Norse people and their influence
As I continue up to unwind the mysteries that have become human history I have more and more surprised everyday that the things I'm finding.
Before Christianity, the fake religion that was pretty much a concoction of a Middle Eastern paganism and Norse mythology mixed into one weird bizarre soup, the Norse people had their own type of Halloween celebration. Vetrnætr- This is where they would make sacrifices and celebrate the end of summer and prepare for the beginning of winter with the new year.
How did January become marked as a new year? I asked myself this at the very second and now I will pause to do the research: Janus- The Roman god of beginning. This too goes back to Roman paganism. Caesar instituted it to honor thier god.
After all, the origins of Halloween seem to come from Celtic and English people, when they used to celebrate the new year starting in November. In 43 AD the Romans conquered most of the Celtic lands and what was once the Celtics people celebrating spirits of the dead roaming the earth, got mixed with the Romans and their diluted paganism like ways.
Eventually after the colonials had landed in America all of these things merged into some sort of diluted idea of evil spirits and parties. Somewhere along the lines native American influence came into play as Americans started this new land. It's beginning to really appear that everything in America is a fifth or even 10th generation edition of the original. Yeah I guess that makes sense seeing that we are such a young country, but we have been taking historical facts, events, and happenings, twisted them, turned them, and rewritten them to fit our own story. And not only that, most Americans don't know the true meaning behind our religions or holidays.
Nordic people were the first to discover so many lands, first to have blue eyes likely, first to have a religion, albeit a paganism like religion, they are extremely closely tied to the DNA of the first humans, and it is looking more and more like Scandinavian, Norse, Nordic, and the people of the North as they are known- have had the most influence over the course of human culture than any other ethnicity on the entire planet.
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